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Not Happily Married in Hollywood: Not in Hollywood Book 2 Page 4

  “Not exactly how I’m interpreting it honey.”

  “So you’re the expert on feelings in your family then?” I asked.

  Once again a bark of laughter came from Lee. “No, that’s the goddamn truth. Jake’s mama was a rich college girl. She was beautiful, had the most amazing green eyes, only thing she gave Jake. We pretty much fell in lust straight away. She liked the whole big strong cop thing. She got pregnant, we got married. When Jake was a few months old I got home from work, she passed him to me, said she couldn’t be a cop’s wife anymore and walked out the door. Sometime later I got divorce papers and neither Jake nor I have seen her since. My parents were gone at that point so the only people to help me were the guys at the precinct. Jake’s never really had a female influence in his life. Lucky for me he didn’t go off the rails when he was a teenager, but he’s never been serious enough about a woman to bring her to dinner with me, until today.” He looked at me meaningfully.

  “I think you’re reading too much into this. Me being here doesn’t mean anything” I protested. “We were doing a walk through at a crime scene that I was a witness at. He just didn’t have time to get me home before coming here.”

  “Of course” Lee replied.

  “Kind of strong willed yourself aren’t you?” I sighed.

  He smiled at me.

  “Look, I honestly don’t know what it is your son wants from me.”

  Lee quirked an eyebrow up, looked like it was a family trait.

  “Well of course I know” I said hurriedly my cheeks heating up again. “I just haven’t seen him in two months, he disappeared right after I thought there was something beginning between us.”

  “Jake doesn’t do permanent” his father said. “Part of that’s my fault. After the number his mom pulled on us, I just wasn’t interested in trying it again. Jake saw this and learned from it, probably not in the best way. I was careful to never bring a woman home, didn’t want him to get attached just to have them walk away. Jake grew up focused and strong. He wanted to be a cop just like his old man. He wanted to be a great cop, nothing was going to get in the way of that.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

  “Because I’m getting old and looking at my regrets in life. When I see him look at you I can see a future in his eyes that doesn’t revolve around just being a cop. I want more for my boy than I had and you are the closest I’ve been to getting it.”

  “Look, I don’t know what to say” I said carefully. “What is or isn’t between us should stay like that. I can see that your son is a good man and I won’t say that I’m not attracted to him, but if anything happens between us, it is between us. You can’t push me and you definitely can’t push him, do you understand that?”

  “Yes” Lee said grudgingly. “I just don’t want him to screw it up. I think you would be good for him and Lord knows the boy is a dumbass sometimes when it comes to feelings and all that crap.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “The fact that you care this much makes you a good dad” I said, “although for future reference, the next woman Griffin brings and dumps on you might not be so accepting of the whole intention’s interrogation.”

  “Just never had to do it before so I’m not sure of what the protocol is” he said.

  “Me neither” I said, “but I’m pretty sure the next step is you telling me embarrassing stories about his childhood and showing me his naked baby pictures.”

  Chapter Seven

  The ringing of the telephone was jarring and I grabbed it.

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “Dad?” I asked, confusion in my voice.

  “No, it is not your father, although I’m sure he would have some questions for you. It’s Jake” Griffin growled out.

  “Oh, morning, what’s up?” I sat up on the couch I had been lying on.

  “Sean says he can’t find you and your car is still parked outside your place.” He was still growling. Did not seem to be a morning person.

  “Why are you talking to Sean?” I really needed coffee. This conversation was not making any sense at all.

  “Beside the point Trudie. Back to the original question, where are you?”

  “I’m still at your dad’s house.”

  “Why on earth would you still be there?” He sounded amazed.

  “We started talking and then it got late. I must have fallen asleep on the couch because that’s where I am now, and it’s actually quite comfortable, more than I thought it would be” I said as I pushed down on the cushions.

  “My dad does not talk.”

  I looked up to see Lee holding out a coffee towards me.

  “Oh that is so wrong, he is really the chatty Kathy when you get him going. He spent the night telling me everything about you, including that one time with the cheerleader… Oh here he is with my morning coffee, I’ll talk to you later.”

  Turning off my cell I wrapped my hands around the steaming cup.

  “Thank you” I said.

  “Do you enjoy torturing my son?” Lee asked.

  “Makes my morning that much brighter” I said blowing across the top of the mug.

  “I didn’t say anything about Jake and a cheerleader” Lee said.

  “I saw the football photo of him in high school on the mantle, trust me, somewhere there is a story with a cheerleader.”

  “I don’t think my boy is prepared for you” Lee said chuckling. “I believe I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “Well you’d better get started, he’s not happy that I wasn’t tucked up in my own bed last night and I’m guessing that right about now he is blaming you.”

  “Not the first time that boy wasn’t happy with me.” Lee shrugged. “Come on let’s get you home.”

  As I settled in the car and Lee started driving I noticed him looking sideways at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Last night you said you had issues with cars, are you okay?”

  My face softened “I’m fine.”

  “Want to tell me what happened.”

  “Not much to tell, I was driving home when a drunk driver swerved onto my side of the road and hit my car. Woke up several days later unable to feel my legs.”

  Lee hissed his breath out.

  “I don’t remember anything about the actual accident. My Uncle Frank is a cop and he was first on the scene. He’s told me about it. Held my hand while they were cutting me out of the car. Refused to leave me until my parents got to the hospital.”

  “Must have been tough on him” Lee commented. “Got to say, that was always a nightmare I had when I attended a car accident, that it’d be Jake or another kid I knew.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t realize how much it affected him until his wife took me aside and told me about bad dreams he was having, about me not making it, or it being one of his kids. I don’t complain anymore when he holds me a little too tight when he hugs me, or he’s a little overprotective. I gave him an up close and personal vision of his nightmare.”

  “How long were you in hospital?”

  “Not long, I was in rehab for a while though, learning how to walk again. I had bruising on my spine, that’s why I couldn’t feel my legs. It takes a while to get over that.”

  “You had heaps of support though right”

  “With my family, you better believe it. I had my parents of course and my brother and sister, but there were also grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins always on hand to help out.”

  “Anyone special there for you?”

  My smile dimmed a bit. “My fiancé couldn’t cope with my injuries. He left me after the accident.”

  “Gutless” Lee commented.

  “No, he just didn’t love me enough to take care of me if I ended up in a wheelchair.”

  “Must have hurt” Lee said gently.

  “Like you would not believe. I thought I was totally destroyed but one day I’m lying in the hospital bed, with my Grandma Rita sitting in a chair beside me knitting away.
I felt some pain in my leg, told my grandmother and promptly burst into tears and wailed something stupid about Paul and how he should be there. My grandmother basically told me that I had two choices, I could be sad or angry. If I was sad I should just give up because I wasn’t going anywhere, anger would get me back on my feet. She told me to hold onto that anger.”

  “Would you take him back if he wanted you?”

  “No” I said, relieved to know I meant it.

  “Good to know.” Lee stared straight ahead at the road.

  I threw him a sideways glance. “I’m serious Lee, you cannot be matchmaking.”

  “But I like you and I think you would be good for Jake” Lee said.

  My head dropped. “Flattering as that is to hear, you cannot start manipulating your son’s love life just because you are feeling a bit clucky.”

  “Did you just call me clucky?” Lee sounded affronted.

  “Yes, and if you’re not careful you’re going to become like one of those Italian mothers, constantly complaining that their kids haven’t given them any grandchildren yet.”

  Lee looked insulted as he pulled up outside my building.

  “It was good to meet you Lee” I said as I got out of the car.

  “You too” he said.

  I waved as he pulled out of the driveway. Turning to head up to my apartment I had Sean come running up to me, following me as I walked.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine” I said, “but I think you and I are going to need to have a little talk.”

  Sean hung his head and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Opening the door to the apartment I motioned him towards the couch.

  “So, are you going to tell my why you called Griffin this morning?” I asked gently.

  Sean seemed to be having trouble meeting my eyes. “I came over early this morning to see you, before you went to work. You didn’t answer the door so I opened it with my key and could see that you weren’t here. I got worried and so I called Griffin.”

  I shook my head. “Okay we’re going to start with the beginning of that explanation because it raises a bunch of questions. First of all, why do you have a key to my place?”

  “I do some work in the apartments at times. Miss Betsy gave me the master keys yesterday to do some work and I need to finish it today. Your key is on that group.”

  “Alright, though for future reference, could you at least please try to call me before entering my house next time? How did you know that I hadn’t just left for work early?”

  “Car was still in the parking area.”

  “Smart” I said. “Now for the next big question. Why on earth would you call Griffin? Your better bet would have been Miss Betsy, Crystal or Edwin or maybe anyone other than Griffin. Believe me having Griffin yelling at me through my phone was not a particularly pleasant way for me to begin the day.”

  “Sorry” said Sean, “it’s just, when you got shot Griffin talked to me about it and he said if ever I was concerned about you that I should call him. He asked me to keep an eye on you for him.”

  “Sean” I said gently. I could see that my not being there had put fear in the boy’s eyes. I could have kicked myself. Sean had been tossed out of home by his mother and her boyfriend. I had found him when he had been scared and alone, hiding behind a facade of bravado. Between myself and the other residents of the apartment complex we had given him a home, but I could still see that he was afraid of losing it. “I’m sorry I scared you” I said. “Yesterday was a bit of a chaotic day and I ended up somewhere I hadn’t expected to be and fell asleep before I could head home. I was pretty exhausted.”

  “New boyfriend?” Sean asked curiously.

  “No” I said. “If you must know Griffin abandoned me at his father’s last night when he left me there during dinner.”

  “Then why was he so worried when I called when he knew where you were.”

  “His dad was supposed to take me straight home but it didn’t work out that way. Next time you are worried about me, just call my cell. I don’t care what time of the day or night it is, if you’re worried call me.”

  “Okay” said Sean.

  “Now get going so I can clean up. The call from Griffin freaked me out so much I came straight back here. I haven’t had a chance to shower or anything.”

  “Yeah I was wondering about that, you do smell a bit ripe” said Sean, a cheeky grin playing on his face.

  “Nice. I can see you’re going to be a hit with the ladies when you get older, considering all the charm I’m seeing now” I drawled shooing him out of my apartment.

  “Could be worse” Sean said. “Could be like Griffin.”

  I shivered theatrically, “Now that would just be cruel.”

  Hearing Sean laughing felt good. The kid had been given a rough ride in life and I enjoyed when I saw his face light up with a cheeky smile.

  Chapter Eight

  After getting ready for the day I contacted the hospital to find that Adele was finally able to have visitors. Arriving at the hospital I felt a strange shiver pass through me. Two months ago I had been in this same building after being shot by a murderer intent on hiding their crime, an experience that I never wanted to repeat. I had come out of the experience physically sound but I still had some nights when I woke from a nightmare covered in sweat. Knocking on the door to Adele’s room I heard her quiet voice call out for me to come in. Opening the door I saw Adele lying in the bed looking very frail. The private room had been made to look as little like a hospital room as it was possible to get. Near the window which looked out onto the carpark stood Adele’s lawyer, Elliot Powell. His face was creased in concern and I could see that I had interrupted a discussion that he had been having with Adele.

  Elliot’s wife Miranda Powell sat next to Adele on the corner of the bed, looking through her medical chart. I was momentarily taken aback by the invasion of privacy until I remembered that Miranda was a plastic surgeon at one of the private hospitals. Miranda looked like the poster child of plastic surgery. She was one of those people who even though she was in her late forties she was looking fabulous and believe me when I say that fabulous is the right word for her. Flawless skin, beautiful hair and a figure that could stop traffic she looked like a woman who should be acting in movies next to the stars she operated on. I have to admit that between Miranda’s stunning beauty and Adele’s delicate looks I was feeling a little self-conscious, considering I hadn’t even taken the time to do more than brush my hair, pull it back into my standard ponytail and throw on a minimal amount of makeup. Actually I should be honest with myself, it would take a lot more work than I was willing to endure to put me into the league of these two women.

  “Oh Trudie” Adele said holding out her arm towards me. I gripped her hand and was surprised at the fragility that I felt in it.

  “Are you alright, you poor thing. What you saw yesterday must have been so traumatic for you.”

  “I’m fine” I said squeezing her hand.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” Elliot interrupted. “The police aren’t telling us anything other than Eric was found dead with Adele.”

  Miranda interrupted. “Surely this can wait until later, Adele has already been through so much, the last thing she needs is to hear about this.”

  Adele smiled at Miranda and patted her on the hand.

  “I know you are trying to protect me Randi, but I need to know what happened. The last thing I remember is going to bed, my bed, two nights ago. Next thing I know, I wake up here and they’re telling me that Eric is dead. I need to know what happened.”

  “I can’t tell you much” I said cautiously, desperately trying to work out what I could tell her. Adele was my client but I did not want to do anything which could compromise Griffin’s investigation. “I arrived yesterday morning, the house was quiet so I went looking for you. I found you both in Eric’s room, in bed together. There was blood on his side of the bed. I checked that you were breathi
ng and then called for an ambulance. The police got there almost immediately and the ambulance was right behind them. After that I got taken to the police station. I was kept there for a while but I couldn’t tell them anything more than that.”

  “So you didn’t see anything else, a car leaving, anyone strange around the property?” Elliot asked.

  “I’m sorry, there was nothing unusual except for the house being quiet.”

  “I’m so glad that whoever did this wasn’t still there when you walked in” Adele said quietly squeezing my hand once again.

  “I just wish you hadn’t been there” said Miranda, tears in her eyes as she put an arm around Adele.

  Elliot walked over and squeezed his wife’s shoulder. Looking at them I remembered what Adele had told me about her lawyer and his wife. The three of them had known each other for years, along with Adele’s first husband. They had gone through school together and always been a tight knit group. Adele had told me that she wouldn’t have made it through the death of her first husband without their support. It looked like they were going to need to support her through the death of another husband.

  Adele gave a small smile. “I need to talk to Trudie about some things. Could we have a few moments?”

  Elliot and Miranda nodded and after both of them gave Adele a kiss on the cheek they left the room.

  “Sit down here Trudie” Adele said patting the bed.

  “What did you want to talk about” I asked as I sat down.

  “I’m going to be expected to organize the funeral for Eric” she said. I though the way she phrased that was interesting. “I need you to do that. I can’t deal with any of this. I won’t deal with it. Can you take care of it?”

  “Of course I can” I said soothingly. “I need details on Eric’s family so that I can coordinate with them.”

  “Eric never talked about his family but before we got married I had a private investigator look into his background. By the time the investigation started I had gone to Vegas with Eric and married him. By that point I didn’t want Eric to find out what I had done, so I paid the investigator and told him to get rid of the file. He might still have some information.”